News: The Most Disgusting Thanksgiving Recipe This Year

The Most Disgusting Thanksgiving Recipe This Year

Amy Wisniewski's Thanksgiving Turkey Cake looks like a yummy carrot cake with fluffy pumpkin pie frosting, but it's not. SO not. Amy's creation may be shaped like a cake, but its ingredients include ground turkey breast, yams, and mashed potatoes.

The Most Disgusting Thanksgiving Recipe This Year

"Whether this Thanksgiving centerpiece incites horror, amazement, or confusion when it's served, it's certain to evoke some kind of outburst. Warning: This dish is not recommended for people who require an inch of space between food groups."

Click through for the entire recipe.

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Hey-does this violate the 'no food touching other food on my plate rule'?

Im not gonna lie... that looks appetizing. But I mix up all my food on a plate at thanksgiving anyways.

im the same eshi, but i would probably try that

all though it covers dinner in a slice minus the cranberry sauce and dressing its still gross sorry i will not be bring that to anyone this year nasty

Hmmm I think we're gonna need some gravy

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