How To: Make Pakistani nihari

Make Pakistani nihari

Heat oil in a heavy based pot.

Add meat and fry it a little.

Add salt, chili powder, turmeric, coriander powder and ginger paste.

Mix well. Add a little water.

Dissolve flour in half a cup of water and add this to the meat and bring to boil.

Grind all the whole spices (spice mix).

Put all the ground spices in a fine cotton cloth bundle.

and add to meat.

OR grind them till powdery fine and add them to the meat.

Add 3-4 cups of water; cover and leave to tenderize on very low flame. It can take up to 5 - 6 hours if using chicken and more if using beef.

When meat has softened remove the bundle of spices and make the curry into desired consistency.

To Garnish--Fry some onion slices in a little oil until golden brown and add to Nihari.

Also garnish with fresh coriander, ginger and green chilies.

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