The latest culinary trend? How about breaded and fried deer balls. That's right, you heard me. The Atlantic makes an interesting point about the political correctness of "nose-to-tail" eating:
"How many among us delight in brain, or tendon, or testicles? These nasty bits, although they have a small following, often go ignored. But in the religion of head to tail, it's the brains and balls that promote the eater from politically correct do-gooder to enlightened food guru. And, for the record, balls (when cooked the right way) are delicious."
Ready to take the plunge into enlightened eating ethos? Well, there is a right (and wrong) way to peel, puncture, roast, and slice of a pair of deer testicles.
"Testicles have two membranes that surround the glands. The outer membrane encases the balls—a sack, if you will.
Kitchen shears help to cut through the tough tissue which can then be peeled back and torn away from the inner membrane. This inner membrane (tunica albuginea, for those of you following along in your copy of Gray's Anatomy) is what makes the balls explode when they are heated.
It can shrink rapidly when it comes in contact with heat, forcing its contents (the actual gland) to shoot all over the inside of your oven. To avoid this (and you want to avoid this), the inner membrane needs to be punctured, allowing it to shrink away from the testicle."
Demonstration video below.
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